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发布时间:2023-08-31 13:21:30

1. 用英文介绍一部英文电影,加翻译

hello,everyone.i will introce a film“Kung Fu Panda”(功夫熊猫)The panda is very cute, funny and humorous. And he dreams to be a Master and he realizes it finally.But the process is very hard. There are other animals in the cartoon played some small roles such as tiger, monkey, crane and so on. They are also strong and fight for justice. i like this movie wery much.It encouages me to study hard like the panda then my dream will come true finally.i also hope that everyone could study hard like me.so all of us can be better.


2. 推荐电影的英语文章


Alien is a 1979 science fiction horror film directed by Ridley Scott, starring Tom Skerritt andSigourney Weaver. The film's title refers to its primary character: a highly aggressive extra-terrestrial creature that stalks and kills the crew of a spaceship. The alien gets onto the shipafter the crew board a derelictalien spacecraft. Inside it they find the remains of a large aliencreature whose ribs appear to have beenexploded outward from the inside. They discover ahuge room containing many eggs, one of which releases a creature that attaches itself to theface of one of the crew. They return to their spaceship and the terror starts as terrible thingshappen to the crew as they try to find and kill the alien.


Alien received both critical acclaim and box office success. It also received an Academy Awardfor Best Visual Effects. It has remained highly praised in subsequent decades. In 2008, it wasranked as the seventh-best film in the science fiction genre by the American Film Institute, andas the thirty-third greatest movie of all time by Empire magazine. Movie critic Roger Ebertwrote: "One of the great strengths of Alien is its pacing. It takes its time. It waits. It allowssilences." The success of Alien generated a media franchise of novels, ic books, videogames, and toys, as well as three sequels and two prequels. It also launched Weaver's actingcareer by providing her with her first lead role.


Casablanca is a 1942 American romantic drama film directed by Michael Curtiz. It has a star-studded cast that includes Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. The film was based on Murray Burnett and Joan Alison's then-unproced play Everybody es to Rick's. Warner Bros. bought the play for $20,000, which was the mostanyone in Hollywood had ever paid for an unproced play. It is set ring World War II and focuses on a man torn between, in the words of one character, love and virtue. He must choose between his love for a woman, and helping her and her hu *** and escape from the Vichy-controlled Moroccan city of Casablanca so that her hu *** and can continue his fight against the Nazis.


Although it was an A-list film, with established stars and first-rate writers, no one involvedwith its proction expected Casablanca to be anything out of the ordinary. It was just one ofhundreds of pictures proced by Hollywood every year. The film was a solid success in itsinitial run and did well at the box office. The movie won three Academy Awards in 1944,including Best Picture. Its characters, dialogue, and music have bee iconic, although one ofthe lines most closely associated with the film — "Play it again, Sam" — is a misquotation;Bergman's character actually says: "Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By'." The film consistentlyranks near the top of lists of the greatest films of all time.


3. 英文影片的英文简介


Directed by Anthony mingra, the English patient is adapted from the novel of the same name by Michael ondaj.

The film is co starred by Ralph Fiennes, Christine Scott Thomas and Juliet Binoche. The film was released in the United States on November 6, 1996.

The movie takes the war and desert as the background, decing a love tragedy across time and space.

During World War II, a British plane was shot down by the German army while flying over the Sahara desert.

The pilot on the plane was completely burned on the face. The local people rescued him and sent him to the Allied field hospital.

Because of the injury, the pilot lost his memory and could not remember who he was, so he could only be called "English Patient".


该片由拉尔夫·费因斯、克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯、朱丽叶·比诺什等联袂主演。影片于1996年11月6日在美国上映 。





4. 英文介绍电影加感想

The Shawshank Redemption is directed by Frank Darabont and starred by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman。


The film tells the story of Andy,the banker,who is accused of shooting his wife and lover。Andy is sentenced to life imprisonment,which means he will spend the rest of his life in Shawshank prison。


Rhett was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder in 1927,with several unsuccessful Paroles。He became an authority figure in Shawshank prison。


For a long time,Andy didn't get in touch with anyone。While everyone complained,he took a leisurely walk in the yard,just like in the park。


The arrival of a young inmate broke Andy's peaceful prison life: the inmate had heard Andy's case before while serving in another prison,and he knew who was the murderer。


Movie meaning:



Through the special background of forced deprivation of liberty and high emphasis on discipline,the whole film shows the fear of time passing and environmental transformation of the indivial。









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