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① 有黑客帝國中的男、女演員(尼歐、崔尼蹄、還有那個光頭的人)他們的個人資料嗎

黑客基努·里維斯英文姓名:Keanu Reeves http://ent.tom.com/Archive/1129/1573/2003/6/16-83776.html
嗜好: 機車、曲棍球、沖浪、戲劇(莎士比亞)、西洋棋、搖滾樂、騎馬、跳舞
第一次舞台表演:Wolf boy(1984)(加拿大)
第一部電影:《Flying》(後更名《Dreams to Believe》美夢成真
最愛電影:《2001:A Space Odyssey》2001年太空漫遊
最愛導演:Stanley Kubrick
最喜歡的合唱團:Joy Division、Sonic Youth、The Velvet、Underground、Clash、The Ramones
曾榮獲MTV電影獎項:1995年與桑德拉·布洛克獲選最佳「銀幕搭檔」《生死時速》(又名《捍衛戰警》) 1992年當選年度最渴望的男性《驚爆點》

- 2003 - The Matrix III - 駭客帝國III
- 2002 - The Matrix II - 駭客帝國II
- 2001 - Hardball - 臨時教練
- 2001 - Sweet November - 甜蜜十一月
- 2000 - The Gift -
- 2000 - The Watcher - 兇手正在看著你
- 2000 - The Replacements - 球場英雄
- 1999 - The Matrix - 駭客帝國
- 1998 - Me and Will -
- 1997 - Devil's Advocate - 魔鬼代言人
- 1996 - Chain Reaction - 連鎖反應
- 1996 - Feeling Mine Suta - 愛上明尼蘇達
- 1995 - A Walk in the Clouds - 雲中漫步
- 1994 - Speed - 生死時速
- 1993 - Little Buddha - 小活佛
- 1992 - Barm Stoker's Dracula - 驚情四百年
- 1991 - Point Break - 爆破點
- 1991 - My Own Private - 不羈的天空
- 1990 - I Love You to Death - 愛你到死
- 1989 - Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey - 比爾和特德歷險記
- 1988 - The Night Before - 前夜
- 1988 - Dangerous Liaisons - 危險的關系
- 1987 - River's Edge - 大河邊緣
- 1986 - Youngblood - 熱血青春
- 1986 - Flying - 夢想成真
- 1985 - One Step Away -
- 1983 - The Prodigal - 浪子


在夏威夷土語中「Keanu Reeves」(Keanu的發音是Key-ah-noo)這個名字意為「從遠處群山中吹來的清風」,這也是他叔叔的名字。而Keanu正如一陣清涼的山風,為90年代的影壇注入了清新的氣息。

Keanu Reeves於1964年9月2日出生於Beirut(貝魯特),當時的Beirut還遠離戰爭,沐浴在陣陣和風之中。Keanu的母親Patricia是一個夜總會中的showgirl,她正是這里遇見Keanu的生父Samuel Nowlin Reeves的。Keanu是一位混血兒,他的父親是擁有一半中國血統的夏威夷人,母親則是英國人。

Keanu的父親在他幼年時就已離家出走,並於他6歲時與Keanu的母親離婚。小時候Keanu和他的妹妹Kim一直與母親生活在一起。他們先是旅居澳洲,之後又去了New York。在New York,Keanu的母親嫁給了一個叫Paul Aaron的導演,最後一家人定居Toronto。然而這次婚姻也沒能持續多久,此後Keanu的母親又結了兩次婚,先是嫁給了一個搖滾樂經紀人,然後是一個理發店的老闆。


1986年Keanu以一部《Youngblood》而初登銀幕,同時他還出演了影片《Flying》和《River's Edge》。然而此時的他正如Hollywood的眾多新人一樣不受注目。1988年Keanu參演了四部影片。其中《Dangerous Liaisons》一片的大獲成功也使在片中飾演配角的Keanu開始為人所知。此後他又陸續演出了《Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure》、《I Love You to Death》和《Point Break》等影片,但都沒有太大的影響。《Point Break》是他出演的第一部動作片,他飾演了一名警察的角色,雖然並未走紅,卻也顯露出了他在這方面所具有的潛質。1992年,Keanu又在一部著名的吸血鬼題材的影片《Dracula》中飾演了一位配角,這並不是一部"屬於他"的影片,但Keanu在片中的表演也給人留下了深刻的印象。1994年他又被義大利著名導演Bernardo Bertolucci看中,在影片《Little Buddha》(《小活佛》)中飾演了主角Prince Siddhartha。

這是一個頗具難度的角色,為了演好這一角色,他還特意讀了不少的佛教書籍並減去了體重。Keanu所具有的東方血統使他的氣質中帶著一種極其純凈和質朴的天性,同時又有一絲神秘感,這使他成了飾演"小活佛"的上佳人選。Keanu的表演雖然說不上極其成功卻也相當不錯,從此他開始受到人們的矚目。真正使Keanu 一舉成名的影片是他於同年所拍的一部低成本的動作片《Speed》。影片推出後,僅用了七周的時間票房就突破了一億美元,成為1994年美國最為賣座的影片之一,Keanu也由此一炮走紅。1995年Keanu又主演了影片《A Walk in the Clouds》,同樣頗受歡迎,這也是他首次在愛情片中擔任主角。他那獨特的氣質吸引了大量的女性觀眾,使他成為最受歡迎的青年偶像之一。

1997年,隨著與Al Pacino合作的《The Devil's Advocate》的上演,Keanu再度引起了影評界的注目。本片中他飾演一位白領律師,面龐白凈,西裝筆挺,顯示出他寬廣的戲路。但在此後由於他試圖與主流影片保持距離,加上自己檢選的獨立製片電影賣座不好,漸漸削弱了自己在Hollywood的千萬身價,在《The Devil's Advocate》後,整整半年沒有一部Hollywood的電影劇本找上他。

但清心寡慾的他並不發愁,在沒戲拍的日子裡就忙著與他心愛的樂隊Dogstar練習,並四處舉辦小型的巡迴演唱,他總是說,賺杯啤酒喝也好。另外,居無定所且酷愛飆車的Keanu也趁著清閑,盡情的騎著他的Norton 850飆遍大街小巷,趁機打發無聊的時光。

Keanu有五輛摩托車,其中他最喜歡1974年出廠的Combat Norton Command 850 ,他說那是「My beautiful,beautiful one.」 。其它摩托車分別是:80 Harley 1989 Model GXR 750,7 Motoguzzi(他成稱之為「GuzziMoto」) ,以及Suzuki 1100。Keanu喜歡在半夜飆車,而且常把車燈熄掉。Keanu愛飆車又不遵守交通規則:不戴安全帽、超速行駛、酒後駕車、無照駕駛(因被吊銷執照,但又手癢)。Keanu因犯了以上四項行車安全大忌,而常常進出醫院。有時開工的第一天帶著護頸(脖子里有頸部支撐片),或拄著拐杖來見導演。幸好上帝保佑沒傷到這張吃飯的臉。Keanu曾在警察局留下過案底,是因為同時酒醉、超速、無照駕駛黑色保時捷。警察當時之所以攔下他的車,是因為Keanu的車在路上完全沒有方向感,橫沖直撞加蛇行,攔下車後才發現明星級的駕駛者喝得爛醉。警察沒有以一張簽名照放過Keanu,可見他當時駕車狀態多麼讓警察氣憤。

在這之後不久,Keanu接到了《The Matrix》(《駭客帝國》)這部戲。《The Matrix》成為Keanu演藝事業的第二個轉折點,看完影片後,大概每個人都會認為由Keanu主演是這部影片成功的三要素之一;另外影片完美的科幻意識及卓越的銀幕表現(特別是由香港著名動作指導袁和平指導的動作場面)也是影片成功的因素之一。Keanu等演員在袁和平的要求下在開拍前特意學習了幾個月的武術,因此,我們才看到了《The Matrix》中令人驚訝的對抗和槍戰場面。


《The Matrix》成為1999全美票房第二,同時,Keanu再次成為世界影迷關注的焦點。

但是最讓人遺憾的是《The Matrix》之後,本該可以走一條與Tom Cruise發展方式相同的道路的Keanu,卻又回到了低成本小製作的行列,而且《Speed》之後的失敗並沒能提高他對劇本的鑒別能力。也許是他就是對獨立製片情有獨鍾,也許是他就是想走自己的路,就向他的名字,他是一縷我行我素的「清風」。

② 這幾部電影的演員表

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a為演員名 b為角色名

魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 演職員表

1. 彼得·傑克遜 Peter Jackson


1. 彼得·傑克遜 Peter Jackson ..... (screenplay)
2. 托爾金 J.R.R. Tolkien ..... (novel The Fellowship of the Ring)
3. Philippa Boyens ..... (screenplay) &


1. 彼得·傑克遜 Peter Jackson ..... Albert Dreary (uncredited)
2. Harry Sinclair ..... Isilr
3. 西恩·奧斯汀 Sean Astin ..... Sam Gamgee
4. 奧蘭多·布魯姆 Orlando Bloom ..... Legolas Greenleaf
5. 伊利亞·伍德 Elijah Wood ..... Frodo Baggins
6. 克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee ..... Saruman
7. 伊安·麥克萊恩 Ian McKellen ..... Gandalf the Grey
8. 馬爾頓·索克斯 Marton Csokas ..... Celeborn
9. Ian Holm ..... Bilbo Baggins
10. Ian Mune ..... Bounder
11. 安迪·瑟金斯 Andy Serkis ..... Gollum
12. Shane Rangi ..... Witch-King of Angmar (uncredited)
13. 薩拉·貝克 Sala Baker ..... Sauron
14. Mark Ferguson ..... Gil-Galad
15. 多米尼克·莫納漢 Dominic Monaghan ..... Merry
16. 比利·博伊德 Billy Boyd ..... Peregrin 'Pippin' Took
17. 凱特·布蘭切特 Cate Blanchett ..... Galadriel
18. Alan Lee ..... King of Men (prologue sequence) (uncredited)
19. 麗芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler ..... Arwen
20. 肖恩·賓 Sean Bean ..... Boromir
21. 雨果·維文 Hugo Weaving ..... Elrond
22. 約翰·里斯-戴維斯 John Rhys-Davies ..... Gimli
23. Noel Appleby ..... Everard Proudfoot
24. Lawrence Makoare ..... Lurtz
25. Sarah McLeod ..... Rosie Cotton
26. 維果·莫特森 Viggo Mortensen ..... Aragorn
27. Alan Howard ..... The Ring (voice)
28. Craig Parker ..... Haldir
29. Billy Jackson ..... Cute Hobbit Child
30. Katie Jackson ..... Cute Hobbit Child
31. Victoria Beynon-Cole ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
32. Philip Grieve ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
33. Lee Hartley ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
34. Peter Corrigan ..... Otho (extended edition)
35. Lori Dungey ..... Mrs. Bracegirdle (extended edition)
36. Norman Forsey ..... Gaffer Gamgee (extended edition)
37. Bill Johnson ..... Old Noakes (extended edition) (as William Johnson)
38. Elizabeth Moody ..... Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (extended edition)
39. Brian Sergent ..... Ted Sandyman (extended edition)
40. Timothy Bartlett ..... Hobbit (uncredited)
41. Taea Hartwell ..... Child Hobbit (uncredited)
42. Thomas McGinty ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths (uncredited)
43. Kate O'Rourke ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths (uncredited)
44. Megan Edwards ..... Mrs. Proudfoot
45. Michael Elsworth ..... Gondorian Archivist
46. Brent McIntyre ..... Witch-King
47. Peter McKenzie ..... Elendil
48. Cameron Rhodes ..... Farmer Maggot
49. Martyn Sanderson ..... Gate Keeper
50. David Weatherley ..... Barliman Butterbur
51. Sam La Hood ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
52. Chris Streeter ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
53. Jonathan Jordan ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
54. Semi Kuresa ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
55. Clinton Ulyatt ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
56. Paul Bryson ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths


1. 彼得·傑克遜 Peter Jackson ..... procer
2. Barrie M. Osborne ..... procer
3. Jamie Selkirk ..... co-procer: WingNut Films
4. 哈維·韋恩斯坦 Harvey Weinstein ..... executive procer
5. Robert Shaye ..... executive procer: New Line Cinema
6. Rick Porras ..... co-procer: WingNut Films
7. 鮑伯·韋恩斯坦 Bob Weinstein ..... executive procer
8. 馬科·奧德斯凱 Mark Ordesky ..... executive procer: New Line Cinema
9. Tim Sanders ..... procer
10. Michael Lynne ..... executive procer: New Line Cinema
11. Ellen Somers ..... associate procer (as Ellen M. Somers)

魔戒二部曲:雙塔奇兵 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 演職員表

1. 彼得·傑克遜 Peter Jackson


1. 彼得·傑克遜 Peter Jackson ..... (screenplay)
2. 托爾金 J.R.R. Tolkien ..... (novel)
3. Philippa Boyens ..... (screenplay) &
4. Stephen Sinclair ..... (screenplay) &


1. 彼得·傑克遜 Peter Jackson ..... Rohirrim Warrior (uncredited)
2. 西恩·奧斯汀 Sean Astin ..... Sam
3. 奧蘭多·布魯姆 Orlando Bloom ..... Legolas Greenleaf
4. 米蘭達·奧圖 Miranda Otto ..... Eowyn
5. Robyn Malcolm ..... Morwen
6. 卡爾·厄本 Karl Urban ..... Eomer
7. 伊利亞·伍德 Elijah Wood ..... Frodo Baggins
8. 克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee ..... Saruman the White
9. 伊安·麥克萊恩 Ian McKellen ..... Gandalf the Grey - aka Gandalf the White
10. Robbie Magasiva ..... Mauhur
11. Stephen Ure ..... Grishnákh
12. 安迪·瑟金斯 Andy Serkis ..... Gollum - aka Sméagol
13. Jed Brophy ..... Sharku/Snaga
14. 薩拉·貝克 Sala Baker ..... Man Flesh Uruk
15. 布拉德·道里夫 Brad Dourif ..... Grima Wormtongue
16. John Leigh ..... Háma
17. 多米尼克·莫納漢 Dominic Monaghan ..... Merry
18. 比利·博伊德 Billy Boyd ..... Peregrin 'Pippin' Took
19. 凱特·布蘭切特 Cate Blanchett ..... Galadriel
20. Dan Hennah ..... Man of Rohan (uncredited)
21. Alan Lee ..... Man of Rohan (uncredited)
22. 麗芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler ..... Arwen
23. 肖恩·賓 Sean Bean ..... Boromir (extended edition)
24. 伯納德·希爾 Bernard Hill ..... Theoden
25. 雨果·維文 Hugo Weaving ..... Elrond
26. Bruce Phillips ..... Rohan Soldier
27. 約翰·里斯-戴維斯 John Rhys-Davies ..... Gimli/Voice of Treebeard
28. John Bach ..... Madril
29. Robert Pollock ..... Mordor Orc
30. Bruce Hopkins ..... Gamling
31. Nathaniel Lees ..... Uglúk
32. 大衛·文翰 David Wenham ..... Faramir
33. 維果·莫特森 Viggo Mortensen ..... Aragorn
34. John Noble ..... Denethor (extended edition) (as John Nogle)
35. Craig Parker ..... Haldir
36. Bruce Allpress ..... Aldor
37. Sam Comery ..... Éothain
38. Calum Gittins ..... Haleth - Son of Háma
39. Paris Howe Strewe ..... Théodred - Prince of Rohan
40. Olivia Tennet ..... Freda
41. Ray Trickett ..... Bereg
42. Billy Jackson ..... Cute Rohan Refugee Child
43. Katie Jackson ..... Cute Rohan Refugee Child
44. Hannah Wood ..... Woman in Cave (uncredited)
45. Phillip Spencer Harris ..... Ranger 1 (uncredited)
46. Paul Holmes ..... Orc (uncredited)
47. Timothy Lee ..... Wildman (uncredited)
48. Henry Mortensen ..... Reluctant Rohan Child Warrior (uncredited)
49. Piripi Waretini ..... Uruk-Hai Soldier (uncredited)
50. Jørn Benzon ..... Elf Archer - Helm's Deep Scene (uncredited)


1. 彼得·傑克遜 Peter Jackson ..... procer
2. Barrie M. Osborne ..... procer
3. Jamie Selkirk ..... co-procer
4. 哈維·韋恩斯坦 Harvey Weinstein ..... executive procer
5. Robert Shaye ..... executive procer
6. Rick Porras ..... co-procer
7. 鮑伯·韋恩斯坦 Bob Weinstein ..... executive procer
8. 馬科·奧德斯凱 Mark Ordesky ..... executive procer
9. Michael Lynne ..... executive procer

魔戒三部曲:國王歸來 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 演職員表

1. 彼得·傑克遜 Peter Jackson


1. 彼得·傑克遜 Peter Jackson ..... (screenplay)
2. 托爾金 J.R.R. Tolkien ..... (novel Return of the King)
3. Philippa Boyens ..... (screenplay) &


1. 彼得·傑克遜 Peter Jackson ..... Mercenary On Boat (uncredited)
2. Harry Sinclair ..... Isilr
3. 西恩·奧斯汀 Sean Astin ..... Sam
4. 奧蘭多·布魯姆 Orlando Bloom ..... Legolas
5. 米蘭達·奧圖 Miranda Otto ..... Eowyn
6. 卡爾·厄本 Karl Urban ..... Eomer
7. Ian Hughes ..... Irolas
8. 伊利亞·伍德 Elijah Wood ..... Frodo
9. 克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee ..... Saruman (extended edition)
10. 伊安·麥克萊恩 Ian McKellen ..... Gandalf
11. Bruce Spence ..... The Mouth of Sauron (extended edition)
12. 馬爾頓·索克斯 Marton Csokas ..... Celeborn
13. Ian Holm ..... Bilbo
14. Stephen Ure ..... Gorbag
15. 安迪·瑟金斯 Andy Serkis ..... Gollum/Smeagol
16. Jed Brophy ..... Orc
17. Shane Rangi ..... Harad Leader 2
18. 薩拉·貝克 Sala Baker ..... Orc/Sauron
19. 布拉德·道里夫 Brad Dourif ..... Grima Wormtongue (extended edition)
20. Alistair Browning ..... Damrod
21. Bret McKenzie ..... Elf Escort
22. 多米尼克·莫納漢 Dominic Monaghan ..... Merry
23. 比利·博伊德 Billy Boyd ..... Pippin
24. 凱特·布蘭切特 Cate Blanchett ..... Galadriel
25. Peter Tait ..... Shagrat
26. 麗芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler ..... Arwen
27. 肖恩·賓 Sean Bean ..... Boromir
28. 伯納德·希爾 Bernard Hill ..... Theoden
29. 雨果·維文 Hugo Weaving ..... Elrond
30. Bruce Phillips ..... Grimbold
31. 約翰·里斯-戴維斯 John Rhys-Davies ..... Gimli
32. John Bach ..... Madril
33. Robert Pollock ..... Orc
34. Bruce Hopkins ..... Gamling
35. 大衛·文翰 David Wenham ..... Faramir
36. Noel Appleby ..... Everard Proudfoot
37. Alexandra Astin ..... Elanor Gamgee
38. David Aston ..... Gondorian Soldier 3
39. Sadwyn Brophy ..... Eldarion
40. Richard Edge ..... Gondorian Soldier 1
41. Jason Fitch ..... Uruk 2
42. Lawrence Makoare ..... Witch King/Gothmog
43. Sarah McLeod ..... Rosie Cotton
44. Maisie McLeod-Riera ..... Baby Gamgee
45. 維果·莫特森 Viggo Mortensen ..... Aragorn
46. John Noble ..... Denethor
47. Paul Norell ..... King of the Dead
48. Todd Rippon ..... Harad Leader 1
49. Thomas Robins ..... Deagol
50. Joel Tobeck ..... Orc Lieutenant 1
51. Alan Howard ..... The Ring (voice)
52. Ross Duncan ..... Orc
53. Billy Jackson ..... Child
54. Katie Jackson ..... Child
55. Lee Hartley ..... Orc
56. Pete Smith ..... Orc


1. 彼得·傑克遜 Peter Jackson ..... procer
2. Barrie M. Osborne ..... procer
3. Jamie Selkirk ..... co-procer
4. 哈維·韋恩斯坦 Harvey Weinstein ..... executive procer
5. Robert Shaye ..... executive procer
6. Rick Porras ..... co-procer
7. 鮑伯·韋恩斯坦 Bob Weinstein ..... executive procer
8. 馬科·奧德斯凱 Mark Ordesky ..... executive procer
9. Michael Lynne ..... executive procer

黑客帝國 The Matrix (1999) 演職員表

1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (as The Wachowski Brothers)
2. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... 4 (as The Wachowski Brothers)


1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers) &
2. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers)


1. 凱瑞-安·莫斯 Carrie-Anne Moss ..... Trinity
2. 喬·潘托里亞諾 Joe Pantoliano ..... Cypher
3. 勞倫斯·菲什伯恩 Laurence Fishburne ..... Morpheus
4. 基努·李維斯 Keanu Reeves ..... Neo
5. Matt Doran ..... Mouse
6. Marcus Chong ..... Tank
7. 雨果·維文 Hugo Weaving ..... Agent Smith
8. Gloria Foster ..... Oracle
9. Bill Young ..... Lieutenant
10. Robert Taylor ..... Agent Jones
11. David Aston ..... Rhineheart
12. Julian Arahanga ..... Apoc
13. Paul Goddard ..... Agent Brown
14. Belinda McClory ..... Switch
15. Anthony Ray Parker ..... Dozer
16. Marc Gray ..... Choi
17. Ada Nicodemou ..... Dujour (White Rabbit Girl)
18. Denni Gordon ..... Priestess (as Deni Gordon)
19. Rowan Witt ..... Spoon Boy
20. Elenor Witt ..... Potential
21. Tamara Brown ..... Potential
22. Janaya Pender ..... Potential
23. Adryn White ..... Potential
24. Natalie Tjen ..... Potential
25. David O'Connor ..... FedEx Man
26. Jeremy Ball ..... Businessman
27. Fiona Johnson ..... Woman in Red
28. Harry Lawrence ..... Old Man
29. Steve Dodd ..... Blind Man
30. Luke Quinton ..... Security Guard
31. Lawrence Woodward ..... Guard
32. Michael Butcher ..... Cop Who Captures Neo
33. Bernard Ledger ..... Big Cop (as Bernie Ledger)
34. Robert Simper ..... Cop
35. Chris Scott ..... Cop
36. Nigel Harbach ..... Parking Cop


1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... executive procer
2. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... executive procer
3. Barrie M. Osborne ..... executive procer
4. Joel Silver ..... procer
5. Dan Cracchiolo ..... co-procer
6. Carol Hughes ..... associate procer
7. Erwin Stoff ..... executive procer
8. Andrew Mason ..... executive procer
9. Bruce Berman ..... executive procer
10. Richard Mirisch ..... associate procer

黑客帝國2:重裝上陣 The Matrix Reloaded (2003) 演職員表

1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (as The Wachowski Brothers)
2. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... 4 (as The Wachowski Brothers)


1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (characters) (as The Wachowski Brothers) &
2. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers) &
3. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... (characters) (as The Wachowski Brothers)
4. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers)


1. 雷·沃納爾 Leigh Whannell ..... Axel (as Leigh Whannel)
2. 凱瑞-安·莫斯 Carrie-Anne Moss ..... Trinity
3. 賈達·萍克·史密斯 Jada Pinkett Smith ..... Niobe
4. Ian Bliss ..... Bane
5. 勞倫斯·菲什伯恩 Laurence Fishburne ..... Morpheus
6. Tory Mussett ..... Beautiful Woman at Le Vrai
7. 基努·李維斯 Keanu Reeves ..... Neo
8. Adrian Rayment ..... Twin #2
9. Neil Rayment ..... Twin #1
10. Genevieve O'Reilly ..... Officer Wirtz
11. Christopher Kirby ..... Mauser
12. Steve Bastoni ..... Soren
13. Robert Mammone ..... AK
14. Scott McLean ..... Security Bunker Guard #2
15. Valerie Berry ..... Priestess
16. 莫妮卡·貝魯齊 Monica Bellucci ..... Persephone
17. Gina Torres ..... Cas
18. Nona M. Gaye ..... Zee
19. Anthony Wong ..... Ghost
20. 蘭伯特·威爾遜 Lambert Wilson ..... Merovingian
21. Harold Perrineau Jr. ..... Link
22. 雨果·維文 Hugo Weaving ..... Agent Smith
23. Matt McColm ..... Agent Thompson
24. Bernard White ..... Rama-Kandra
25. Ray Anthony ..... Power Station Guard
26. Christine Anu ..... Kali
27. Andy Arness ..... Police #2
28. Alima Ashton-Sheibu ..... Link's Niece
29. Helmut Bakaitis ..... The Architect
30. Don Battee ..... Vector (as Don Batte)
31. Daniel Bernhardt ..... Agent Johnson
32. Liliana Bogatko ..... Old Woman at Zion
33. Michael Budd ..... Zion Controller
34. Stoney Burke ..... Bike Carrier Driver
35. Kelly Butler ..... Ice
36. Josephine Byrnes ..... Zion Virtual Control Operator
37. Noris Campos ..... Woman with Groceries
38. Paul Cotter ..... Corrupt
39. Marlene Cummins ..... Another Old Woman at Zion
40. Attila Davidhazy ..... Young Thomas Anderson at 12
41. 伊斯·戴維斯 Essie Davis ..... Maggie
42. Terrell Dixon ..... Wurm
43. Nash Edgerton ..... Security Guard #5
44. Gloria Foster ..... The Oracle
45. David Franklin ..... Maitre D'
46. Austin Galuppo ..... Young Thomas Anderson at 4
47. Daryl Heath ..... A.P.U. Escort
48. Roy Jones Jr. ..... Ballard
49. Malcolm Kennard ..... Abel (as Malcom Kennard)
50. Randall Duk Kim ..... The Keymaker
51. Peter Lamb ..... Colt
52. Nathaniel Lees ..... Mifune
53. Harry J. Lennix ..... Commander Lock (as Harry Lennix)
54. Tony Lynch ..... Computer Room Technician
55. Joshua Mbakwe ..... Link's Nephew
56. Chris Mitchell ..... Power Station Guard
57. Steve Morris ..... Computer Room Guard
58. Rene Naufahu ..... Zion Gate Operator
59. Robyn Nevin ..... Councillor Dillard
60. David No ..... Cain
61. Socratis Otto ..... Operator
62. Montaño Rain ..... Young Thomas Anderson at 8
63. Rupert Reid ..... Lock's Lieutenant
64. David Roberts ..... Roland
65. Shane C. Rodrigo ..... Ajax
66. Nick Scoggin ..... Gidim Truck Driver
67. Kevin Scott ..... 18 Wheel Trucker (as Kevin C. Scott)
68. Tahei Simpson ..... Binary
69. 鄒兆龍 Collin Chou ..... Seraph


1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... executive procer
2. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... executive procer
3. Joel Silver ..... procer
4. 格蘭特·希爾 Grant Hill ..... executive procer
5. Andrew Mason ..... executive procer
6. Bruce Berman ..... executive procer
7. Steve Richards ..... associate procer
8. Vicki Popplewell ..... associate procer (as Vicki Poppelwell)
9. Phil Oosterhouse ..... associate procer: EON

黑客帝國3:矩陣革命 The Matrix Revolutions (2003) 演職員表

1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (as The Wachowski Brothers)
2. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... 4 (as The Wachowski Brothers)


1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (characters) (as The Wachowski Brothers) &
2. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers) &
3. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... (characters) (as The Wachowski Brothers)
4. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers)


1. 凱瑞-安·莫斯 Carrie-Anne Moss ..... Trinity
2. 賈達·萍克·史密斯 Jada Pinkett Smith ..... Niobe
3. Ian Bliss ..... Bane
4. 勞倫斯·菲什伯恩 Laurence Fishburne ..... Morpheus
5. 基努·李維斯 Keanu Reeves ..... Neo
6. Genevieve O'Reilly ..... Officer Wirtz
7. Bruce Spence ..... Trainman
8. Christopher Kirby ..... Mauser (as Chris Kirby)
9. David Bowers ..... Q-Ball Gang Member #1
10. Craig Walker ..... Hel Club Pony Girl Trainer (uncredited)
11. Robert Mammone ..... AK
12. 莫妮卡·貝魯齊 Monica Bellucci ..... Persephone
13. Gina Torres ..... Cas
14. Nona M. Gaye ..... Zee
15. Anthony Wong ..... Ghost
16. 蘭伯特·威爾遜 Lambert Wilson ..... Merovingian
17. Harold Perrineau Jr. ..... Link
18. 雨果·維文 Hugo Weaving ..... Agent Smith
19. Bernard White ..... Rama-Kandra
20. Helmut Bakaitis ..... The Architect
21. 伊斯·戴維斯 Essie Davis ..... Maggie
22. Peter Lamb ..... Colt
23. Nathaniel Lees ..... Mifune
24. Harry J. Lennix ..... Lock (as Harry Lennix)
25. Rene Naufahu ..... Zion Gate Operator
26. Robyn Nevin ..... Councillor Dillard
27. Rupert Reid ..... Lock's Lieutenant
28. David Roberts ..... Roland
29. Clayton Watson ..... Kid
30. Cornel West ..... Councillor West
31. Anthony Zerbe ..... Councillor Hamann
32. Mary Alice ..... The Oracle
33. Tanveer K. Atwal ..... Sati
34. 凱特·賓漢 Kate Beahan ..... Coat Check Girl
35. Francine Bell ..... Councillor Grace
36. Rachel Blackman ..... Charra
37. Henry Blasingame ..... Deus Ex Machina
38. Zeke Castelli ..... Operations Officer Mattis
39. Dion Horstmans ..... Q-Ball Gang Member #2
40. Lachy Hulme ..... Sparks
41. Joe Manning ..... First Operator at Command
42. Maurice Morgan ..... Tower Soldier
43. Tharini Mudaliar ..... Kamala
44. Kittrick Redmond ..... Second Operator at Command
45. Kevin Michael Richardson ..... Deus Ex Machina (voice) (as Kevin M. Richards




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