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發布時間:2022-09-07 07:21:16

㈠ im here什麼意思

1)我到了。 比如兩個人約定地點見面,一個人先到了,打電話給另一個人,「hey,i'm here, where r u?」
2)我在這兒呢!比如一個人在商場找另一個人,A: 「where r u, B?" B(聽到a後:" i'm here!"

㈡ imhere當中的兩個男主現實是真的同性戀嗎


㈢ I'm here同志微電影誰看過,裡面王林微博叫什麼


㈣ i'm here 我在這里 那部美國電影短片的問題 那女的貼im here時男的問他什麼意思 她回答的我一句都沒聽懂

http://shooter.cn/xml/sub/160/160963.xml 這是完整的字幕 我懶得下了。。
我自己看了一遍 沒聽太清楚 總之就是女的沒有正面回答他
先反問那個男的的問話是什麼意思 然後那個男的再問 她笑了一下說」沒什麼 就是這么個意思。「
然後那個男的問她是不是maker 她說是 她創造了世界

㈤ 請問Im here裡面的英文插曲是什麼呀

sensations, if real things did not exist

㈥ 求 Im in here sia 這首歌,最好是無損的。


㈦ 微電影I AM HERE的男主角之一王林,誰知道他的微博啊


㈧ im new here什麼意思


im new here


㈨ 哪些微電影好看






​《如果愛》講述的是一對分手的情侶重新走到一起的故事,由著名攝影師Allen Liu真實愛情故事改編8分鍾的時間用非常寫意和MTV式的畫面表達了對愛情的包容和夢想。畫面構思很有看頭,製作也很考究。MSN推出的微電影,值得大家去品鑒一番。




​ 為配合電影《和莎莫的500天》的宣傳,導演馬克·韋布和兩位主演約瑟夫·高登-萊維特、佐伊·丹斯切爾拍攝了這部短片。片名為《Bank Dance(銀行舞蹈)》的歌舞短片。值得一提的是,短片中歌曲來自佐伊自己的樂隊She & Him的單曲《Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?》。短片中的編舞非常可愛。



㈩ 微電影 i am here 中第31分鍾的背景音樂 非常感謝!

Groove Coverage - You Verse 1 Never ever deep in love never had a home, others holding hands all day while I was on my own. Would you take my hand would you run away with me, to a destination where we can be so free. Never ever felt this way where have you been before, I was searching all my life now you knock on my door. Would you take my hand would you ran away with me to a destination where we can be so free. Refrain: And I can be your girl, be your girl tonight, and I can see the world I see it in your eyes. We can be, you can be, they can be too, as long as there's eternity as long as there is you. Verse 2 My emotions getting strong your heartbeat close to mine, if I can be your girl tonight across your soul I sign. Would you say my name when I'm sleeping next to you, and would you say it loud when I'm laying over you. No one does it better no one loves the way you do, as long as there's eternity believe me there is you. Would you say my name when I'm sleeping next to you, and would you scream it loud when I'm laying over you. Refrain: And I can be your girl, be your girl tonight, and I can see the world I see it in your eyes. We can be, you can be, they can be too, as long as there's eternity as long as there is you. Brigde: I wanna be your girl tonight with you right here by my side, one thousand miles I'd run for you into infinity. Refrain: And I can be your girl, be your girl tonight, and I can see the world I see it in your eyes. We can be, you can be, they can be too, as long as there's eternity as long as there is you. Refrain: And I can be your girl, be your girl tonight, and I can see the world I see it in your eyes. We can be, you can be, they can be too, as long as there's eternity as long as there is you. Refrain: And I can be your girl, be your girl tonight, and I can see the world I see it in your eyes. We can be, you can be, they can be too, as long as there's eternity as long as there is you



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